Sausalito Summernight

Classic Rock, radio, Vinyl, Vinyl Records -

Sausalito Summernight

In 1982 I was living in South Korea.  There were some great radio stations broadcasting at the time, including the Armed Forces Korea Network (AFKN).  There was a particular AFKN broadcast I would hear on occasion on Sunday evenings.  One night during the rundown of the top 40 hits of the week, they played a song from a Dutch band - the band's name was Diesel and the song was called "Sausalito Summernight."  It had a great hook and some pretty cool guitar keyboard riffs that caught my ear.  I liked it enough I figured out how to record the show the following week so I could have a copy of the song.

When I got back to the states I searched several of the local record stores for the album and couldn't find it so I gave up.  Several years ago I looked on Apple Music (aka iTunes) and found a digital copy of the single that I downloaded to help me reminisce about hearing the song for the first time in 1981.

Last weekend we were in Dallas, Texas for a quick trip and stopped by a couple of the local record stores and in the "new arrivals" bin at Josey Records in north Dallas was the album "Watts in a Tank" - a used copy that I picked up for $4.00.  I'm listening to side one now and I think the whole album is pretty darn good.  The production quality is especially nice.

Nothing like waiting 40 years to find an album.

We were also able to attend church at the American Airlines Center while we were in the area.  Go Mavs!!


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