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John Curulewski was one half of the duo that made up the double-guitar driven sound of the band.  He was also responsible for many of the high squeaky background vocals – particularly the high part on their mega hit Lady.

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Eva Cassidy, Vinyl, Vinyl Records -

Her rendition of Fields of Gold is something I listen to when I need a spiritual lift – I still have difficulty controlling my tears when I hear it.

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8-track, Boston, Classic Rock, Tape Head Company, Vinyl, Vinyl Records -

We eventually ended up at Tape Head Company on State Street, and while they didn't have it on vinyl, they did have one 8-Track copy left in the store.

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Radio is different now.

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Classic Rock, radio, Vinyl, Vinyl Records -

When I got back to the states I searched several of the local record stores for the album and couldn't find it so I gave up.  Several years ago I looked on Apple Music (aka iTunes) and found a digital copy of the single that I downloaded to help me reminisce about hearing the song for the first time in 1981.

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